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Our Latest Leadership Coaching News

Three Leadership Tips For New Leaders
Leading a team, be it of five people or fifty people, for the first time can be extremely daunting. Paired with starting a new role or...

"I won't do it" to "Yes, I did it" Coaching Model
This week we explore this very popular coaching model that is a great example of the mindset shifts that people go through as they...

5 Ways Executive Coaching Increases Happiness at Work
Are you happy at work? Are the people who work for you happy at work? Why do they work for you? And more importantly, what things...

Making Returning To The Workplace Easier For Employees
For more than 12-months, employees have been advised to work from home where possible to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. As the...

Empowering leaders to master change.
Change, a part of everyday work and a task levied at HR, Learning and Development and Talent professionals - provide guidance for...

Three Reasons To Invest In Leadership Coaching
Your people are undoubtedly an essential part of your business – they pave the way for your business to be successful, engage your...

The Importance of Developing a Coaching Culture
As described in the blog What is a Coaching Culture, when organisations have successfully invested in developing a coaching culture, a...

What Is A Coaching Culture?
We hear the term Coaching Culture mentioned often, but what do we mean by this? Organisational culture is often referred to as “the way...

Using The AID Model To Give Feedback
In our professional lives, feedback can be daunting to give and receive. Often, we’re our own worst enemies – we can sometimes think that...

Learning Culture and Leadership
When asked to consider what learning culture and leadership have to do with one another, we might focus our attention on the following...

The Engage Series - The Impact Construct
Here at The Leadership Coaches, we have recently shared several blogs that form our Engage Series. So here, we share our final blog as...

Albert Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy
How confident do you feel as a leader? How about those you lead? How confident are they? When we talk about confidence, it’s helpful to...

The Opportunity To Develop Your Openness As A Leader
Openness helps build trust and engagement in people and is increasingly recognised as a key component of successful leadership. There are...

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