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Our Latest Leadership Coaching News

How Leadership Development Can Help Combat Work-Related Stress
Here at The Leadership Coaches, we are sharing our insights, research, and experience to outline how leadership development and executive...

The Agile Leadership Steering Wheel
Peter Koning, an expert in agile leadership, uses this brilliant metaphor of a steering wheel for how to balance complex leadership...

Tips For Leading Virtually
Last week, Director of Coaching Zoe Lewis facilitated our latest complimentary workshop, Leading Virtually – Tips For Crafting This...

What are Leadership Styles?
At The Leadership Coaches, we spend time working with individuals, teams and organisations to help them understand more about leadership...

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Model
In the 1960s, Social Psychologist Douglas Mcgregor proposed two opposing beliefs that leaders had that affected their leadership style....

Why Leadership is Important in Business
What is important to business? As we answer the question, we can begin to answer why leadership is important in business. Making money...

Understanding Leadership Coaching and Development
In this blog, we delve into the why, what and how of leadership coaching and development. Why is Leadership Coaching and Development...

Escaping The Drama Triangle
The drama triangle (also known as the Dreaded Drama Triangle - DDT) is a theoretical model designed by Stephen B. Karpman M.D. to help...

How Can Leadership Skills Be Developed?
As a team of leadership and management development experts, we are often invited into organisations and partner with our clients to...

Understanding Systemic Team Coaching
We are going through some serious changes at the moment aren’t we? When we look back at the last 12 months, we have seen the uptake of...

International Women’s Day 2021
Today is a day of celebration across the world. As a world, every one of us is better off when we value everyone’s contribution and...

Team Coaching in the Workplace
With office staff continuing to work from home for the foreseeable future, you may ask whether it’s the right time to consider team...

The Vital Voices Leadership Model
As we have recently celebrated International Women's Day, it seems appropriate for us to lean in to learn more about The Vital Voice...

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